Snahalaya Ashram was founded by Dr. Madhu Krishan an eminent environmentalist and social activist (basically a Civil Engineer) in 1985 with the main objectives to improve and develop cultural,socio-economic and educational status of the deprieved Islanders and the weaker section of the society of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and of all different parts of India. In the year 1996 the society got its registration under the Societies registration Act 1860 as a non-profit, non-political and non-communal organization based on the aims at social, economical, educational, cultural to eradicate and liberate the deprived people from the bondage of socio-economic backwardness of the tribal and poor people of Andaman Nicobar Islands and of all different parts of India.
The Snahalaya Ashram was created with the belief of that sensitization to the needs aspiration, capabilities and potential of the tribal and poor people can play a positive role in strengthening the economic, education and cultural efforts that are vital role to the progress of human advancement and understanding. In order to meet and overcome the challenges poised by different forms of inter related social problems, the Snahalaya Ashram focus on the study of problems from the grass root level and seeks ways and means of solution for the betterment and upliftment of the deprived section of society.
The Snahalaya Ashram has started working its developmental activities in the spheres of community upliftment since its inception for the benefit of the poor and marginal tribal for sustainable and comprehensive development with its limited recourses. The Snahalaya Ashram has been organized a series of participatory rural appraisal, meeting and workshop with the, government organization, grass root level NGOs , village leaders, church leaders, youths and women groups and motivated the people to organize themselves to undertake the developmental works on self help basis and introduce the government and other agencies to join hands with the people at the village level for bringing up long term-sustainable atmosphere of the communities.
Before Tsunami, Snahalaya Ashram rendered selfless service and brought more than 8000 orphan and needy children to the mainstream by providing adequate benefits to the poor and marginal tribal for sustainable giving education, food, shelter, water, health and total sanitation & all the adequate requirement to make them self dependent.
During Tsunami, with one of its secular unit, 'Islanders Sanghathan March' adopted 5000 families and provided all the reliefs including rehabitations (ie.,) intermediate shelters followed by permanent houses(under progress)
The Snahalaya Ashram presently emphasizes its activities mainly at South Andaman and at various part of Southern part of Andaman & Nicobar Islands selected villages where Tsunami affected areas. In the year 2006, Snahalaya Ashram got registered under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 and u/s 12AA of Income Tax Act 1961. The Snahalaya Ashram also got the grant of approval u/s 803[5]&[vi] of Income Tax Act 1961 and under section 10(23C) (iv ) of Income Tax Act 1961.
Boost women’s skill, knowledge & self-esteem to build up confidence, to participate in community decisions-analyzing & Leadership role
Poverty Elevation, Right of equality advocates & campaigning -HIV Aids, Hepatitis B, TB, Malaria, Cancer total health sanitation & water
Grass-root level work for livelihood, domestic violence, child care.
Work with people affected by humanitarian disasters, with primitive measures preparedness & emergency relief.